Presets List
- ACC - activates the maps required for EBBU W and EBBU E
- ACC + MUAC - activates EBBU W, EBBU E and the delegated airspaces above NL and DE
- ACC + MUAC EAST - activates EBBU E and the delegated airspaces above NL and DE
- ACC EAST - activates EBBU E
- ACC WEST - activates EBBU W
- FIS - activates the maps requiured for Flight Information Servives (EBBU FSS)
- EBAW TWR - activates the maps used for EBAW TWR
- ARR 01/DEP 07 - activates the maps for these runway operations (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- ARR 19/DEP 19-25R - activates the maps for these runway operations (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- ARR 25R/DEP 19-25R - activates the maps for these runway operations (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- ARR/DEP 01 - activates the maps for these runway operations (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- ARR/DEP 07 - activates the maps for these runway operations (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- ARR/DEP 19 - activates the maps for these runway operations (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- ARR/DEP 25R-L - activates the maps for these runway operations (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- ARR 25R/L CATIII - activates the maps for these runway operations in CATIII conditions (such as stopbars, centerlines, ...)
- EBBR APP DEP FINAL - activates the maps used for EBBR APP, EBBR DEP and EBBR FINAL APP
- EBBR DEL/GND - activates the maps used for EBBR DEL and EBBR GND
- EBCI APP - activates the maps used for EBCI APP
- EBCI GND - activates the maps used for EBCI GND
- EBCI TWR - activates the maps used for EBCI TWR
- EBLG APP - activates the maps used for EBLG APP
- EBLG GND - activates the maps used for EBLG GND
- EBLG TWR - activates the maps used for EBLG TWR
- EBOS APP - activates the maps used for EBOS APP
- EBOS TWR - activates the maps used for EBOS TWR
- EBBE APP - activates the maps used for EBBE APP
- EBBE TWR - activates the maps used for EBBE TWR
- EDYY BRU - activates the maps used for EDYY BRU
- RWY East - actiavtes extended centerlines for all easterly runways
- RWY West - actiavtes extended centerlines for all westerly runways
SMR (Surface Movement Radar)
- EBAW - opens an inset showing the SMR of EBAW
- EBBR - opens an inset showing the SMR of EBBR
- EBCI - opens an inset showing the SMR of EBCI
- EBOS - opens an inset showing the SMR of EBOS